What Is the Most Common Cause of Infertility in Women?

Picture it: You have the career of your dreams. You look forward to starting your day and sharing your passion with the world. You’ve found the man (or woman) or your dreams and can’t wait to start your family together. However, year after year goes by and no matter how many times you attempt to become pregnant, that family you have desired for so long keeps becoming more elusive. Sadly, this is becoming a common issue with more and more women experiencing difficulty becoming pregnant. However, what most women might not realize is how common this condition is and it can not only affect your fertility, but cause other health concerns as well.

This problematic condition is called polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is commonly known as PCOS. PCOS affects 4-12% of women so odds are, out of your close female friends, at least one of you could have PCOS. In addition to causing infertility, PCOS can also lead to menstrual irregularities, abnormal hair growth (mustaches, back hair, etc), hair loss from your head, acne, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and mental health effects such as depression or poor self-esteem. And even more concerning, PCOS may also lead to endometrial cancer in some women.

Due to it’s strict diagnostic criteria and vague symptoms, PCOS can be difficult to diagnose. Unfortunately, conventional medicine’s limited treatment options include a regimen of several drugs and weight loss since women with PCOS tend to be overweight or obese. However, 40% of women with PCOS have insulin resistance (issues with blood sugar metabolism) independent of weight so weight loss might not be an appropriate treatment for them. And that just leaves pharmaceuticals as a treatment, which can have mixed results but ultimately, doesn’t address the cause of their PCOS in the first place.

Fortunately, naturopathic medicine can be a great option for women with PCOS who are trying to become pregnant. We not only have a multitude of natural options to offer, such as nutritional counseling, botanicals, and stress management to name a few, but more importantly, naturopathic care can move women towards better health in general with whatever changes are implemented.

Stay radiant,
Dr. Russell

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